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2 Views · 8 months ago


DIRECTOR: Robert Kiviat
CAST: Mark Laflamme, Jacob Israel, Robert Kiviat

ON DIGITAL: July 9, 2024

The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon where a large group of people remember an event, detail, or fact differently from how it actually occurred. Named after Nelson Mandela, it originated from many people incorrectly recalling that he died in prison in the 1980s, when in fact he passed away in 2013. This effect highlights the fallibility of memory and suggests that collective false memories can be shared by many people. It is often associated with pop culture references, historical events, and even brand names, where discrepancies between remembered and actual details are noted.

4 Views · 8 months ago

All rise. This November, Academy Award® winner Denzel Washington is Roman J. Israel, Esq. - Watch the trailer now. #RomanIsraelMovie

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Roman J. Israel, Esq. is a dramatic thriller set in the underbelly of the overburdened Los Angeles criminal court system. Denzel Washington stars as a driven, idealistic defense attorney whose life is upended when a turbulent series of events challenge the activism that has defined his career. Colin Farrell costars as the ambitious, monied lawyer who recruits Roman to his firm.

Written & Directed By: Dan Gilroy

Denzel Washington
Colin Farrell

4 Views · 8 months ago

Valley of Tears is a harrowing, ten-episode limited drama series inspired by the true events of the 1973 Yom Kippur War in Israel. Leading up to the ultimate battle, the series follows young combatants thrust into a war that was later revealed could have been avoided by leaders they blindly trusted. #ValleyofTears

Streaming Valley of Tears on Max. @StreamOnMax

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6 Views · 8 months ago

Dir. Erin Axelman, Sam Eilertsen
(Documentary, US, 2023, 84 min)
When two young American Jews raised to unconditionally love Israel witness the brutal way Israel treats Palestinians, their lives take sharp left turns. They join a movement of young American Jews battling the old guard to redefine Judaism’s relationship with Israel, revealing a deepening generational divide over modern Jewish identity.

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The Other Israel Film Festival, founded in 2007, presents high-quality cinema that inspires conversation and takes an in-depth look into Israeli and Palestinian societies and underrepresented populations in Israel. The festival explores human stories and social issues for Israel and its neighbors. Other Israel presents dramatic and documentary films, as well as panels and events about history, culture, and identity. With partner organizations, the festival aims to engage the community, deepen its views, challenge its perspectives, and drive it to action.

12 Views · 8 months ago

Get the DVD:
Now on DVD, Blu-ray & Digital Download, "I Am Israel" is an epic film which will take you on a soaring journey through the Land of the Bible, and introduce you to Jewish men and women whose very lives are a testimony to the promises of God. "I Am Israel" is narrated by award winning actor John Rhys-Davies, best known for his roles in the Indiana Jones and Lord of the Rings series. Filmed in crystal clear 4K, and directed by award-winning documentary filmmaker David Kiern, "I Am Israel" brings to life the inspirational story of Israel like you’ve never seen before.

I Am Israel has screened in over 10,000 congregations, sold over 55,000 copies and been seen on tv around the world. The film was invited to screen in the Jerusalem Knesset, the first film produced by Christian filmmakers to achieve this honor.


Directed by David Kiern
Narrated by John Rhys-Davies
Original Score by Bob Farnsworth

7 Views · 8 months ago

Do you believe in Israelism?

Israelism playing in 60 cities and campuses this fall across North America

Tour dates:

3 Views · 8 months ago

When Farhad, a DVD street seller learns that his daughter has a brain tumor and urgently requires a complex operation, he goes on a search in hope of raising enough money to pay for the medical treatment from any source he can. He makes a Faustian bargain that soon sees him lying to everyone around him in order to conceal the truth. What will happen when the truth catches up with him?
A tale from Iran with tragic consequences.

3 Views · 8 months ago

Full film:
Feature documentary about female singers inside Iran and their deep wish: "I want my voice to be heard" (coming 2020).
Dealing with cultural censorship in Iran, women singers started using also digital media more. Invited by Negar, a magical entity, female voices from all over this vast country come out of isolation, gather in a garden in the very middle of Iran to make their dream come true. Nobody has tried this before, so Negar seeks the help of two travelers to connect. Along the way they meet surprisingly strong female personalities of diverse cultural backgrounds and come closer to understanding the orient…

Runtime: 76 min
A film by Andreas Rochholl, Yalda Yazdani and Sebastian Leitner
Produced by Zeitgenössische Oper Berlin • in Co-production with SLFILM Media/KADMOS Produktion.
TV License: EuroArts Music International

© Zeitgenössische Oper Berlin 2020

5 Views · 8 months ago

IRAN 2014

Sceneggiatura/SCREENPLAY R. Banietemad, Farid Mostafavi
Fotografia/PHOTOGRAPHY Koohyar Kalari
Montaggio/EDITING Sepideh Abdolvahab
Suono/SOUND Yadollah Najafi
Produzione/PRODUCTION Rakhshan Banietemad

1 Views · 8 months ago | "Joy In Iran" (Trailer deutsch german) | Kinostart: 17.01.2019
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Offizieller deutscher Kino-Trailer zu dem Film "Joy In Iran".

Originaltitel: Joy In Iran
Dokumentarfilm, DE 2018
Filmverleih: Konzept+Dialog Medienproduktion
Filmlänge: 90 Minuten
Kinostart (DE): 17.01.2019

Regisseur: Walter Steffen


"Joy In Iran" dokumentiert die Auftrittsreise der Künstler Susie Wimmer, Andreas Schock und Moni Single von "Clowns ohne Grenzen" zu iranischen Hilfseinrichtungen - Heime für Waisen- & Straßenkinder, Krankenhäuser, psychiatrische Kliniken und Flüchtlingscamps. Dabei erzählt der Film nicht nur von intensiven, menschlichen
Begegnungen sondern auch die unglaublich wahre Geschichte des iranischen Tourguides Reza Abedini.Während der Reise wird der smarte junge Mann aus Teheran vom "Clowns-Virus" infiziert und steht am Ende vor seinen eigenen Landsleuten auf der Bühne.

"Joy In Iran" ist eine filmische Reflektion über die Nächstenliebe und die heilsame Kraft von Humor und geteilter Freude - im Iran und anderswo auf der Welt. Gleichzeitig zeichnet dieser Film ein sehr menschliches Portrait dieses umstrittenen Landes, das gerade wieder einmal im Fokus der weltweiten Berichterstattung steht.


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TM & (c) 2018 Konzept+Dialog Medienproduktion. All Rights Reserved. Promotional use only.

3 Views · 8 months ago

Kick In Iran
läuft am Filmfest München in der Reihe New German Cinema
mehr Infos unter

Regie: Fatima Geza Abdollahyan
Darsteller: Sara Khoshjamal-Fekri, Maryam Azarmehr
Inhalt: (Beschreibung zur Verfügung gestellt vom Filmfest München)
She is the first who ever made it. Sara Khoshjamal-Fekri is the first female athlete from Iran to ever qualify for the Olympic Games. Her discipline is Taekwondo. KICK IN IRAN shows her arduous journey to Beijing 2008 - a persistent struggle for self-determination and recognition in a society based on strict religious laws.
"Which price are you willing to pay to fulfill your dream?
From the very beginning of my film project, that was the driving question... It seemed to me that one topic had hardly received any attention on the screen: Muslim female athletes. Whether this is due to a lack of interest from the (western) media or because of the strict rules of Islam, which complicate access to the sites and protagonists, almost all reports about Muslim sportswomen seem to focus on their oddity, treating them merely as 'veiled women working out'... I knew I wanted to portray Sara and her coach Azarmehr as two human beings with the same needs, wishes and dreams as you and me - but willing to pay a higher price in order to make their dreams come true". - Fatima Geza Abdollahyan

4 Views · 8 months ago

You may have heard that Iran is home to the fastest growing church in the world, but how is that possible in a country under Sharia Law?

For the past 6 months, our team has been working on a new series from Neighborhoods & Nations called, Hard to Reach: Iran. In this three episode series, we travel to the Islamic Republic of Iran to dive deep into the historical, cultural, religious, and political challenges that make it a difficult region for gospel growth.

Iran may seem distant or irrelevant to many of us, but in Christ, God has woven the story of Iranian Christians into our own. In more ways than we even know.


All three episodes of Hard to Reach: Iran will premiere during Secret Church 23, so if you haven’t registered yet, do it! Even so, we will release these episodes in the following weeks here on YouTube.

4 Views · 8 months ago

Subscribe to my channel: @8kxplore

Iran, a country that will leave you speechless!
Join us as we embark on an extraordinary journey through this mesmerizing land of rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes. From the ancient ruins of Persepolis to the bustling streets of Tehran, we'll uncover the hidden gems and stunning beauty that Iran has to offer.

#8k #8kvideo #iran #iranian #travel #persia #persian

4 Views · 8 months ago

iran trailer

10 Views · 8 months ago

Meet Sara Nodjoumi and Till Schauder. They're husband and wife documentary filmmakers currently finishing a project called The Iran Job, waiting to hear about their film festival submissions and obsessively checking Kickstarter to track the progress of their campaign to raise money needed for the film's final touches. All in all, it's an exciting, nerve-wracking time of anticipation in their household. Sara and Till's four year old has even gotten into the spirit of things, randomly yelling out words like Kickstarter and Facebook.

The Iran Job follows Kevin Sheppard, an American basketball player from St. Croix who is recruited to play for the Iranian Super League. Judging from the trailer, the film's a winner. Till describes Kevin as smart, warm and funny. You can see from his interactions in the film that Kevin's got a quick humor and is a sharp observer. He becomes friends with three Iranian women and this unlikely friendship coincides with the Green Movement in Iran. It's basketball that brought Kevin to Iran and the arena fills with cries of "Kevin, Kevin." At the same time, the streets are filling with Green Movement protesters calling out "Where is my vote?"

This is all great stuff. But the story behind the story is great too. For Sara and Till, the post-production process has them on pins and needles. Till had this to say about Kickstarter:

"The Kickstarter campaign is the first time anyone is seeing the film outside of our circle and it's really exciting because it's [just been a few days now] and we're getting incredible traction. We've done some research on these campaigns and we're doing well. We're getting pledges and backers and Facebook Likes. We were expecting that in the beginning it would just be family and friends in our own network, but already on the second day people started pledging that we don't know, from all over the world."

They showed a fantastic amount of self-control in not sneaking to check the Kickstarter website to see if they'd gotten any new backers while we were talking. But it's hard not to hit the Refresh button and hope the numbers change. It's addicting. I'm not sure how I've gotten sucked in to compulsively checking a Kickstarter campaign for a documentary film about basketball in Iran, but that's what makes my job fun.

Sara and Till have gotten some pretty fine attention since the film's appeal crosses over from basketball to global politics to women's right. Supporters include Abigail Disney (Executive Producer), Christane Amanpour, Maz Jobrani, Karim Sadjapour and Gloria Steinem. The Kickstarter campaign is one more piece in making the film.

In case you aren't familiar with Kickstarter, it works like this: Submit your project (check the guidelines first). Once it's up on the Kickstarter site, you'll have a specified time period to get pledges for your project. If you don't reach your targeted funding amount, no monies are paid. But if you reach or exceed your goal, you get your funding. Now for the people who have pledged, not only is there the supreme satisfaction of lending support to a cool project, but depending on the dollar amount kicked in, they'll walk away with a DVD, poster or other expression of gratitude.

By pledging $25 to The Iran Job, you've pre-ordered a copy of the DVD. So it's a good deal for you and for the filmmakers. With pledges coming in from all over the world and for varying amounts, you can see why Sara and Till are glued to the Kickstarter website.

There's more to this story than just fundraising. Till traveled in and out of Iran with a small cache of recording equipment and mailed footage to his mother in Germany to ensure it would safely make it out of the country. Germany has better relations with Iran than America does. His mother then sent it on to the U.S. and everyone kept their fingers crossed that nothing went wrong during the process.

Of course, there was the time Till was detained in Iran while Sara was home with one child and 5 months pregnant. I asked him if the Iranian authorities knew he was making the film.

"We still don't know. The guy at the airport didn't speak English. He just swiped my passport and said Blacklist. And then I was taken to this room for 24 hours and sent back on the next plane out. Nobody there gave me any explanation, but then I wrote a letter to the Iranian embassy in Berlin. Having entered as a German citizen, that embassy was in charge and I never got any response. I tried again, calling and nothing. It's possible that they generally sort of crack down on people in the media in the wake of the election, but we haven't found out. I'd love to know."

So you see, documentary filmmakers lead exciting lives. There's creativity in shooting, storytelling, funding and smuggling. And now the 50-day game show atmosphere of the Kickstarter campaign. Please join in the fun. Click here for The Iran Job Kickstarter campaign and Like them on Facebook. And watch for the film to come out in 2012.

4 Views · 8 months ago

Igor Sergeev and Vladimir Kuznetsov’s multi Golden Mask nominated production of Ivan Vyrypaev’s thought-provoking and timely “Iran Conference” takes place at a symposium in Denmark where influential public figures and scientists gather to discuss the current clash of modern Western liberal ideology with traditional religious consciousness and way of life. An attempt to present reports prepared by the lecturers quickly transforms into a lively conversation about spirituality, ethical dilemmas and personal experiences related to the condition of humanity today. Vyrypaev’s aim is, of course, not to deliberate on the East/West friction, but to present a true-to-life philosophical parable about humanity, faith and love.

Written by Ivan Vyrypaev
Directed by Igor Sergeev, Vladimir Kuznetsov
Production: Takoy Theatre, Saint Petersburg

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4 Views · 8 months ago

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4 Views · 8 months ago

An intimate portrait of a polygamist family in a rural Iranian village. The intricacies of the relationships between the four wives, their husband, their astoundingly free-spoken mother-in-law and their numerous children. Sometimes humorous and often heartbreaking, this film follows the daily lives of the wives whose situation has turned them into both bitter rivals and co-conspirators against their abusive husband.

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