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Trailer van de film over Iran © 2017 E. JESPERS | "The Iran Job" (Trailer deutsch german) | Kinostart: 21.02.2013
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Offizieller deutscher Kino-Trailer zu dem Film "The Iran Job".
Originaltitel: The Iran Job
Sportdoku, US/IR 2012
Filmverleih: Real Fiction Filmverleih
Filmlänge: 90 Minuten
FSK-Altersfreigabe: ab 12 Jahren
Kinostart (DE): 21.02.2013
Schauspieler/Darsteller: Kevin Sheppard u.a.
Regisseur: Till Schauder
Auf dem Höhepunkt der internationalen Spannungen zwischen den USA und dem Iran akzeptiert der charismatische afroamerikanische Sportler Kevin Sheppard das Angebot, einer Basketball-Mannschaft im Iran beizutreten. Dort trifft Sheppard auf eine ganz andere Welt. Durch seine ungewohnte amerikanische Spielweise wird er sofort zum wichtigsten Spieler seines Teams. Schnell liegen ihm auch die jugendlichen Fans zu füßen und eifern dem Mann aus Amerika nach.
Doch Sheppard erfährt neben all dem Ruhm auch, was es heißt, in einer anderen Kultur zu leben. Frauen dürfen nicht Basketball spielen, an einigen Veranstaltungen dürfen sie nicht mal teilnehmen, obwohl sie genauso begeisterte Sportfans sind wie die Männer. Was aus dem Wunsch erwuchs, das Unbekannte zu entdecken, entwickelt sich für den Sportler zu einer emotionalen Achterbahnfahrt, als er vor dem Hintergrund sozialer Aufstände ein überraschendes Bündnis mit drei iranischen Frauen eingeht.
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TM & (c) 2012 Real Fiction Filmverleih. All Rights Reserved. Promotional use only.
Review of Jafar panahi The Circle. Reviews in Tamil. Tamil review the circle.
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The true story of the "Argo" rescue operation...
The 13th Annual San Diego Asian Film Festival 2012 (November 1-9)
For many in the United States, Iran means "illegal nukes" or "rogue state." But for the U.S Virgin Islands athlete Kevin Sheppard, it means job opportunity. Undeterred by the increasing hostiles between the U.S. and Iran, Sheppard accepts an offer to play pro basketball in the city of Shiraz.
As the hired-gun foreigner on a newly-established team, Sheppard struggles against lofty expectations, while also trying to navigate Iran's cultures and traditions. Ever the slick-tongued charmer, Sheppard brings his on-court enthusiasm and charisma to his interactions with teammates and neighbors. Despite wanting to distance himself from the country's politics and religion, Sheppard, in the spirit of hospitality and good fun, inadvertently makes his home a safe haven for three progressive Iranian women who expose him to debates regarding gender roles, religion, and the Islamic government. Before he knows it, his efforts on the basketball court start to run parallel with the mounting tensions of the 2009 presidential elections.
Film Screening:
UltraStar Mission Valley
November 2, 2012 at 7:30PM &
November 3, 2012 at 4:30PM
Buy Tickets Here!
Recognizing the importance of documentary and feature films in freedom movements, the Film Section of Passion For Freedom festival has shortlisted films for its artistic values and meaningful impact on societies.
All the trailers of the nominees are being published on the festival's Youtube Channel.
The Film Section of the festival selects film makers who've proved their passion for freedom in a politically correct or sensitive environment whilst answering with their work on 3 questions:
Find out more about the festival program on
Coming to theaters and DVD in 2012 - From Olive Films
In a small provincial Iranian town, the children work hard to support their families. One day nine-year-old Yahya and his friend Leyla find a precious statue. Sharing a passion for cinema, Yahya's boss Naser Khan (Reza Naji) decides to help them find the owner.
فیلم ایرانی درباره الی | About Elly Full Movie
📣 فیلم سینمایی ایرانی “درباره الی” باکیفیت HD
کارگردانی اصغر فرهادی
نویسندگی اصغر فرهادی
تهیهکنندگی اصغر فرهادی
سید محمود رضوی
✅ بازیگران فیلم سینمایی “درباره الی”
گلشیفته فراهانی
ترانه علیدوستی
شهاب حسینی
مانی حقیقی
مریلا زارعی
پیمان معادی
احمد مهرانفر
رعنا آزادیور
صابر ابر
🔴 داستان فیلم ایرانی «درباره الی»
داستان فیلم روایتگر زندگی چند خانواده است که برای گذراندن تعطیلات به شمال کشور سفر کردهاند. دوستان احمد که پس از سالها زندگی در آلمان به ایران بازگشته، در تلاش هستند تا همسری را برای او بیابند. به همین خاطر، مربی مهدکودکی به نام «اِلی» با دعوت سپیده، به همراه دیگران به این سفر آمدهاست. امّا پس از ناپدید شدن الی در ساحل دریا، ماجرا به تراژدی تبدیل میشود و هر کس در مورد این مسئله به قضاوت پرداخته و دیگری را مقصر میداند. تا آنجا که جمع به خاطر منافع خود زمانیکه نامزد جستجوگر الی در پی او از راه میرسد از حمایت الی دست کشیده و سپیده را مجاب مینماید که در مورد الی حرفهای نادرست و دروغهای کوچکی بگوید؛ دروغهایی که تبدیل به فاجعه میشوند. ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡
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Alone Through Iran
1 x 61 Min HD Documentary
Producer: Fango Produktion
Year: 2017
Theme: Adventure, Female, Running, Social Issues, Solo, Travel
Audio: Swedish
Subtitles: English
‘Alone Through Iran – 1144 Miles of Trust’ – Kristina Paltén, a lone Swedish woman, began her run through Iran on September 5th 2015. She was to become the first woman ever to run across Iran. Kristina, with her two world records in both 12-hours and 48-hours running on a treadmill, chose Iran for her run for three main reasons. The beautiful nature, the long distance and her own prejudices against the country. Without any prior connection to the country she wanted to explore a, to her, unknown country upon which she only had the western media coverage to rely on to understand. During two months Kristina therefore challenged herself and her own fears for the unknown and her own prejudices about what a muslim country means for a lone woman running 1144 miles. The film follows Kristina before, during and after her run and portray both her running but also her inner journey. The journey where she challenges her own and other’s prejudices and fears by meeting the people she has heard so little about, the people along the road in Iran. Best in Show – Adventure Travel Film Festival 2018. Award – Northern Character Film Festival 2017. Official Selections 2018: Bømlo Ultrafestival, Iranian Film Festival & Inverewe Scottish Adventure Film Festival. Official Selections 2017: Adventure Film Festival, Umeå European Film Festival, International Festival of Outdoor Films & Run Nation Running Film Festival.
The untold story of Iranians who struggle against Iran's oppressive regime, culminating in the global cry for human rights after the June 14th election.
Released on 2009
Directed by: Davoud Geramifard
A thousand kilometers south of Tehran, a nomadic tribe struggles to survive surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of stark Persian desert and mountain landscapes. In Shiraz, an aging revolutionary subverts a system that betrayed the dreams of an entire generation of radicals. And in Tehran, a young intellectual fights the soul-crushing ennui of a daily existence without true freedom. Shot secretly without the permission of the Iranian government, Iran: Voices of the Unheard is a tribute to the lives of those living under the scrutiny of a repressive regime, forever silenced by their elected representatives. The film examines a day in the life of three very distinct groups, all of whom share a sense of alienation and despair, shedding light on the upheavals triggered by the June 2009 elections, and culminating in disturbing footage of those bloody street protests that shocked the world.
Director: Sanaz Azari
This documentary is part of ONE WORLD ROMANIA Human Rights IDFF 2016, March 21st –27th Bucharest.
#awarenesspills #OWR9
How can one talk about Iran today? How can you do it when you left Iran as a child and the Persian language is now completely foreign to you? Sanaz Azari was born in Iran but grew up in Belgium. Behind the closed doors of a classroom in Brussels, she is learning how to read and write in her mother tongue. There is a textbook from the time of the Islamic Revolution on her desk. In front of her, there is a blackboard, on which her teacher, a grey-haired Iranian, exiled as well, carefully traces words and sentences which become a gateway to the history and culture of Iran. Gradually, the didactic method of the lessons evolves into a poetic, visual collage, which introduces the notion of freedom and questions the meaning of a revolution. Getting close into the surface of those images comes down to finding a personal space of freedom as a sort of re-appropriation of one’s mother tongue, one’s country and its culture via film. Azari keeps herself in the background, through a strategy of self-effacement meant to give centrality to language itself and the man who teaches it as if on a theatre stage. That language is indeed her mother tongue, though she can neither read nor write it.
Original at:
Film prezentat in cadrul sectiunii From the Middle East, with Love - Focus: Orientul Apropiat
Pakistani girls reaction on Din the Day Movie. This is cooperation movie Bangladesh and Iran. This is super hit movie. We can't believe that this is Bangladeshi film. Very good movie. This movie is looking like Hollywood Movie.
Original Video:
One advice: never set foot on Iranian soil. Please watch this video until the end to be sure to understand.
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Shot, directed and edited by Tolt
Disclaimer: This video was not commissioned by the Iranian Government.
Iraivan Trailer | Jayam Ravi | Nayanthara | Yuvan Shankar Raja | I. Ahmed | Passion Studios
Jayam Ravi, Nayanthara, Rahul Bose, Ashish Vidyarthi, Naren.
Technical Crew
Producer : Sudhan Sundaram & Jayaram .G
Written & Directed by : I. Ahmed
Music : Yuvan Shankar Raja
Director of Photography : Hari.K.Vedanth
Editor : JV Manikanda Balaji
Production Designer : Jackie
Sound design : Sync Cinema
Sound mixing : Kannan Ganpat
Executive Producer : Arunachalam
Action : Don Ashok
Dialogues: sachin, karthikeyan sethuraj.
Costumes : Anu Vardhan (Nayanthara)
Priya Karan & Priya Harie
Publicity Designs : Gopi Prasanna
Pro : Suresh Chandra & Rekha D'One
Audio On : Junglee Music
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Directed by Alex Nelson
Edited by Me
This epic tale was done on a single day with few shots edited to preserve awesomeness. Once again US History 70s Decades Project at PRHS. Prairie Ridge High School, home of the Wolves in Crystal Lake Illinois
Streaming now on ADVENTURE SPORTS TV!
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Alone Through Iran
1 x 61 Min HD Documentary
Producer: Fango Produktion
Year: 2017
Theme: Adventure, Female, Running, Social Issues, Solo, Travel
Audio: Swedish
Subtitles: English
‘Alone Through Iran – 1144 Miles of Trust’ – Kristina Paltén, a lone Swedish woman, began her run through Iran on September 5th 2015. She was to become the first woman ever to run across Iran. Kristina, with her two world records in both 12-hours and 48-hours running on a treadmill, chose Iran for her run for three main reasons. The beautiful nature, the long distance and her own prejudices against the country. Without any prior connection to the country she wanted to explore a, to her, unknown country upon which she only had the western media coverage to rely on to understand. During two months Kristina therefore challenged herself and her own fears for the unknown and her own prejudices about what a muslim country means for a lone woman running 1144 miles. The film follows Kristina before, during and after her run and portray both her running but also her inner journey. The journey where she challenges her own and other’s prejudices and fears by meeting the people she has heard so little about, the people along the road in Iran. Best in Show – Adventure Travel Film Festival 2018. Award – Northern Character Film Festival 2017. Official Selections 2018: Bømlo Ultrafestival, Iranian Film Festival & Inverewe Scottish Adventure Film Festival. Official Selections 2017: Adventure Film Festival, Umeå European Film Festival, International Festival of Outdoor Films & Run Nation Running Film Festival.